Achieving our 7th Green Flag: Global Citizenship – Energy
Scoil Phadraig Naofa’s Green School’s Committee were delighted to receive the school’s 7th Green Flag: Global Citizenship – Energy, following a lot of hard work and making sustainable changes to how we do things at school and home. Three representatives of the committee travelled to the City North Hotel, Gormanston, Co. Meath to collect the flag on the 24th of May.
This award has been the culmination of two years of hard work on the part of all the students and staff in the school. 

Here are some of the activities students have undertaken in the school in relation to this theme

  • Walk Once a Week (WOW day)
  • Litter Picking 
  • Turn-off Thursday (No whiteboards used during specific hours)
  • Monitoring our energy usage in the school and reducing it by 10%
  • Introducing compost bins to classrooms
  • Planting trees
  • Battery collections and many more
But just because we have received our Global Citizenship- Energy flag, doesn’t mean we’re going to stop working on cutting our energy usage. Our Green School’s Committee are still working hard around the school and our school garden is beginning to flourish! We are also always encouraging everyone to travel in a sustainable way whenever possible.
We celebrated this collective achievement on Friday 23rd of June by raising the flag in front of the whole school and eating yummy green buns as a reward afterwards. 
We are looking forward to starting to work on our next green flag in September! 


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