Scoil Phádraig Naofa has a very active Parents’ Council. We currently have 15 members but we always welcome new members. Meetings are typically held on a Friday morning several times per year.
Parents work in co-operation with the school principal and staff for the benefit of all children in the school.
The Parents’ Council is responsible for organising and running many of the events held throughout the year including: Cake Sale, Christmas Raffle, Flag Day collection, Bingo, Active Fun evening, Uniform sale.
These events are key fundraisers for the school and all funds raised are used to re-invest in the school facilities and to provide additional opportunities for all children. Every year money raised is used to fund Yard equipment, Santa gifts for each classroom, Communion and Confirmation trips, Buses for sports matches, and contributions towards School Tours. Over the past couple of years, serious investment was made in re-surfacing of playgrounds and yards, provision of benches and additional playground equipment as well as a set of jerseys for the Girls football team. Funding has been allocated towards investment in musical equipment and plans for a Sensory Garden Trail.